As much as I loved it...
the animation was so flawless you could've put in a ending scene with the power rangers high-fiving or something. It was just a bland ending to an epic battle. Besides that, it was an epic flash.
As much as I loved it...
the animation was so flawless you could've put in a ending scene with the power rangers high-fiving or something. It was just a bland ending to an epic battle. Besides that, it was an epic flash.
Nice quicky
I would ask about the peach pulling a bullet out from her dress. But since she can fit Toad under there.....I won't ask.
Awesome job to Kirbopher
Btw for those that are curious, the end credits song is we need a hero from the MMPR soundtrack (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
good animation. i knew this would happen eventually. there better be a sequal. maybe a liitle longer. idk if it takes longer to make.
Love it
in response to some questions, all he did was ask them to do it and possibly (not positive but) offered pay.
didn't see that one coming
would have been a ten but...
What is the song? it isn't in the credits!
S is the easter egg
Charmader! lol
Age 30, Male
Joined on 1/27/09